weigh up

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weigh up

#weigh up| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The past weighs on the present here like a dead hand.

Przesz艂o艣膰 przemawia na prezencie tu tak jak z艂e duchy.

How do you weigh in where we are as a team.

Jak wa偶ysz si臋 gdzie jeste艣my dru偶ynowo.

If the result is above 25, you weigh too much.

Je艣li skutek jest wy偶ej 25, wa偶ysz zbyt wiele.

The boy weighed his decision for another second or two.

Ch艂opiec rozwa偶y艂 swoj膮 decyzj臋 dla innego drugi albo dwa.

However, continue to weigh each day if at all possible.

Jednak偶e, kontynuuj wa偶enie ka偶dego dnia o ile to w og贸le mo偶liwe.

What did they feel like weighed in a man's hands?

Co poczuli lubi膰 wa偶ony w r臋kach cz艂owieka?

They do not seem to be weighed down by history.

Oni nie wydaj膮 si臋 by膰 przyt艂aczanym przez histori臋.

She can weigh a man quickly and with very little to go on.

Ona mo偶e wa偶y膰 cz艂owieka szybko i z bardzo ma艂y p贸j艣膰 dalej.

Be sure to weigh in and let me know what you're thinking.

Nie omieszka膰 wa偶y膰 si臋 i pozwoli膰 mi wiedzie膰 czym jeste艣 my艣l膮c.

We weigh less than you do, the two of us put together!

Wa偶ymy mniej ni偶 robisz, dwu z nas z艂o偶y!

I had been here before, weighed down under his power.

By艂em tu wcze艣niej, zwa偶ona Australia jego moc.

I could tell he was actually weighing what I'd said.

Mog艂em powiedzie膰, 偶e faktycznie wa偶y co powiedzia艂em.

Weighing them up perhaps to see which will go next.

Mierz膮c ich mo偶e zobaczy膰 kt贸ry p贸j艣膰 nast臋pny.

And he was weighing the three of them with his eyes.

I wa偶y艂 trzech z nich ze swoimi oczami.

The whole thing weighs no more than the paper itself.

Ca艂a rzecz wa偶y nie wi臋cej ni偶 papier sam.

They weighed each other up and both men found something to like.

Zmierzyli siebie i oba ludzi zak艂ada co艣 lubi膰.

The small man held him as if he weighed nothing.

Ma艂y cz艂owiek trzyma艂 w ramionach go jakby nie zwa偶y艂 niczego.

We had a moment where he weighed me with his eyes.

Mieli艣my moment gdzie zwa偶y艂 mnie ze swoimi oczami.

A lot of things have been weighing on my mind these past few days.

Wiele rzeczy le偶a艂o mi na sercu te par臋 ostatnie dni.

For the past week I have been weighing myself much earlier in the morning.

W ostatnich tygodniu wa偶y艂em si臋 du偶o wcze艣niej rano.

I have no sense of it weighing down upon me.

Nie mam 偶adnego tego poczucia przyt艂aczaj膮cego na mnie.

I understand someone weighing much more do not have this problem.

Rozumiem, 偶e kto艣 wa偶臋 du偶o bardziej mie膰 ten problem.

Against all that, however, could be weighed a single small life.

Przeciwko a偶 tak, jednak偶e, m贸g艂 by膰 wa偶ony jedno ma艂e 偶ycie.

This has been weighing on my mind for some days now.

To le偶a艂o mi na sercu przez jakie艣 dni teraz.

All things of this world are weighed now between us.

Wszystkie rzeczy tego 艣wiata s膮 zwa偶one teraz mi臋dzy nami.

This is something that we need to weigh up together.

To jest co艣 偶e musimy rozwa偶y膰 razem.

For me, this question is all about weighing up the benefits.

Dla mnie, to pytanie chodzi o rozwa偶anie korzy艣ci.

They're 6 feet long and weigh up to 450 pounds.

Oni maj膮 6 st贸p wzrostu d艂ugo i rozwa偶a膰 do 450 funt贸w.

He weighed up the situation, looking for the right handle to turn.

Rozwa偶y艂 sytuacj臋, szukaj膮c prawa za艂atwia膰 obr贸ci膰 si臋.

This all needs to be taken into account in weighing up the situation.

To wszystko potrzebuje by膰 branym pod uwag臋 w rozwa偶aniu sytuacji.

It can weigh up to four and a half pounds.

To mo偶e rozwa偶a膰 aby cztery i po艂owa funty.

Do you have any evidence to help us weigh up the arguments?

Masz jakiekolwiek dowody by pom贸c nam rozwa偶a膰 argumenty?

We have to weigh up the potential impact on residents.

Musimy rozwa偶y膰 potencjalny wp艂yw na mieszka艅c贸w.

It is therefore very difficult for us to weigh up the benefits.

To jest dlatego bardzo trudne dla nas do rozwa偶enia korzy艣ci.

Me, I weighed up my chances and decided to watch it.

Mnie, rozwa偶y艂em szanse na mnie i zdecydowa艂em si臋 obejrze膰 to.

It is very difficult to weigh up economy with convenience.

To jest bardzo trudne do rozwa偶enia gospodarki z wygod膮.

Weigh up what it will cost you to commit your life to me.

Rozwa偶a膰 co to b臋dzie kosztowa膰 ty pope艂ni膰 twoje 偶ycie do mnie.

We listen to the arguments and weigh up the evidence.

S艂uchamy argument贸w i rozwa偶amy 艣rodki dowodowe.

I in 190 is smaller still but you also have to weigh up the consequences.

Ja w 190 jest mniejszy wci膮偶 ale r贸wnie偶 musisz rozwa偶y膰 konsekwencje.

It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds.

To mo偶e zaczyna膰 mie膰 3 st贸p wzrostu wszerz i mo偶e rozwa偶a膰 do 15 funt贸w.

Two interests need to be weighed up in this connection.

Dwa zainteresowania potrzebuj膮 zosta膰 rozwa偶onym w zwi膮zku z tym.

Weighing up the competition is an important part of marketing.

Rozwa偶anie konkurencji jest wa偶n膮 cz臋艣ci膮 marketingu.

Steve stared into the fire and weighed up the situation.

Steve wpatrywa艂 si臋 do ognia i rozwa偶y艂 sytuacj臋.

Steve paused, as if weighing up what to say next.

Steve przerwa艂, jakby rozwa偶aj膮c co powiedzie膰 nast臋pny.

When weighing up whether to let an employee work from home, you should consider the nature of their job.

Rozwa偶aj膮c czy pozwoli膰 pracownikowi praca z domu, powiniene艣 rozwa偶a膰 natur臋 ich pracy.

In the final analysis, the economic interests have to be weighed up against public safety.

Ostatecznie, gospodarcze interesy musz膮 zosta膰 rozwa偶onym o bezpiecze艅stwo publiczne.

I'm certainly thinking about all your advice and weighing up my options.

Na pewno my艣l臋 o ca艂ej twojej radzie i rozwa偶am moich opcji.

The other woman seemed to be trying to weigh up whether she could trust her visitor.

Inna kobieta wydawa艂a si臋 pr贸bowa膰 rozwa偶y膰 czy mog艂a zaufa膰 swojemu go艣ciowi.

It measures more than three feet long and weighs up to 40 pounds.

To mierzy wi臋cej ni偶 trzy stopy d艂ugo i rozwa偶a do 40 funt贸w.

As with most business decisions, it's a matter of weighing up the costs and benefits.

Jak wi臋kszo艣膰 biznesowych decyzji, to jest sprawa rozwa偶ania koszt贸w procesowych i korzy艣ci.




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